This wholesome meal combines the many benefits of brown rice and the nutrient-dense goodness of avocado. With soft textures and mild flavors, this nutrient-rich meal is the ideal one for your baby!

What You Need


What’s So Awesome About Avocado Rice?

Brown rice is dense in minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber, making it the perfect first food to start your baby on. Baby Natura’s Brown Rice With Banana Cereal also contains the vitamin-packed nutrition of bananas. Avocados are a great source of natural fats, which help in the absorption of vitamins in your baby’s body. Avocados also contain essential vitamins, potassium and antioxidants. This combination is a tasty and healthy meal for your baby!

Really, it is! Whole, organic food, and plenty of vegetables and fruits.

We all know the benefits of vegetables and fruits, but the reason whole and organic food is important, is because our unchecked use of colorants, additives, genetically modified foods, pesticides and preservatives may be contributing to the epidemic of developmental problems in children. Always buy products that are certified PLANT-BASED WHOLE FOODS . Look for the PLANT-BASED WHOLE FOODsymbol on the package!

The Basic Tenets

A plant-based whole foods diet keeps the good stuff in and the bad stuff out, ensuring complete health for your child.

Foods habits start young.

If you think this food won’t be tasty for your baby, see Developing A Taste For Health


  1. Kelly Dorfman, M.S., L.N.D., author of the book, Cure Your Child With Food
  2. John McDougall, M.D.

Your baby has just begun eating solid foods, and there is a world of variety available! Which should you pick?

Fruits and vegetables available in the colors of the rainbow will not only make your baby smile, but will also provide an assortment of nutrients to keep your baby healthy. Here is our round-up of the foods most loved by babies:

Powerhouse Pears

Children are inclined to some foods more than others, yet pears win every time! Pears are full of water and fiber, leaving your baby feeling satisfied and full. High in vitamin C, pears are also packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients. Very ripe pears are almost mashed, and your baby can bite into them easily. Deliciously sweet and nutritionally dense, pears are a great food choice for your baby.

Bananas: Baby’s Buddies

Sweet, soft and the color of happy sunshine, bananas will instantly light up your baby’s face. Packed with A, B and C vitamins, they also contain essential minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Dense in dietary fiber, they give your baby a healthy digestive cycle. Mashed, blended or sliced, your baby will love them!

Pumpkins Are Perfect!

Pumpkins are the kings of nutrition – dense in nutrients but low in calories, so your children can eat them to their hearts’ content. Pumpkins are dense in vitamin A and antioxidants. Known to improve immunity, pumpkins also safeguard eye health. Chop into cute cubes and lightly steam them to bring out a burst of flavor and nutrition. You could also blend them into soups that your baby will spoon up happily!

Comforting Carrots

Carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene, which lends them their beautiful orange color. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body, and ensures good eyesight. Carrots are also dense in Biotin (a B-vitamin) and vitamin K. Take comfort in the fact that carrots are so good for your baby, and are a colorful addition to your baby’s meal.

Parents of newborns are committed to creating an optimal environment for their baby’s growth, prioritizing their baby’s physical health and emotional well-being. They aspire for their baby to develop rapidly, acquiring knowledge and understanding at a swift pace.

There are some ways to help your baby learn to walk that parents should be mindful about. They want the baby to walk, talk and be active as early as possible, and to do that, physical activity plays a very important role in not only the physical development but also, the mental development of the baby. How to help your baby learn to walk is a big task as far as parenting is concerned. There are several ways to help a baby learn to walk. Read on to know more.

How to help your baby learn to walk is a big task as far as parenting is concerned. There are several ways to help a baby learn to walk. Read on to know more.

Benefits of physical activity for kids

Babies are born with weak muscles and bones. In their early years, it is very important that you help them promote their muscular development. According to pediatricians, parents need to help babies build flexibility, coordination, and strength with some age-appropriate routines and activities. This will help them walk sooner and with more confidence.

Engaging in regular exercise offers numerous benefits beyond weight management and disease prevention for children. Improved motor skills in children often correlate with higher levels of physical activity. It is crucial for babies and toddlers to be physically active on a daily basis as it promotes healthy growth and development.

Healthy muscles and bones are an indicator of overall health. If the baby has good muscular strength and healthy bones, chances are they will also learn to crawl, walk, and run about faster.

You must be wondering about the tips to get your baby or toddler walking or how to teach your baby to walk. The next section has more.

Exercises for newborns and infants (0-12 months)

Babies should be encouraged to be active throughout the day, every day in a variety of ways, including crawling.

If they’re not yet crawling, encourage them to be physically active by reaching and grasping, pulling and pushing, and moving their head, body, and limbs during daily routines, and during supervised floor play.

Try to include at least 30 minutes of tummy time spread throughout the day when they’re awake. Once babies can move around, encourage them to be as active as possible in a safe and supervised play environment.

Exercises for toddlers (12–36 months)

Toddlers should be physically active every day for at least 180 minutes (three hours). The more the better. This should be spread throughout the day, including playing outdoors.

The 180 minutes can include light activities such as standing up, moving around, rolling, and playing, as well as a more energetic activity like skipping, hopping, running, and jumping.

Active play, such as using a climbing frame, playing in the water, chasing games, and ball games, is the best way for this age group to get moving.

Core-strengthening exercises for babies

Give your baby tummy time

Age: 0 months onwards

This is the most common of all trunk-strengthening exercises for babies suggested by pediatricians. Simply put your newborn on his tummy after every feeding. This act builds the core muscles of your baby’s tummy. There are many variations to this, such as:

Tip: Remember that whenever your child is not lying on the back, he is working on increasing his head control and neck strength.

So, minimize their lying down time after your child is two to three months old and make sure that your baby is getting exposure to enough physical activity.

Help your baby sit up

Age: 4 months (or when a baby is able to support her head)

Place a blanket on the bed and then place the baby on it. Then, hold the blanket on each side slightly above the head, with your baby in the middle of your arms. Slowly lift the blanket so your baby comes to a sitting position, then lower it back down again. This is a very simple and safe exercise to help your baby gain upper body strength.

Teach this exercise to your baby:

Other Exercises

1. Bicycle Motion

Age: 0 months onwards

Your little one’s leg development is also a key area of concern, especially as the leg muscles help determine how soon he/she will be able to crawl and walk. Pediatricians recommend the following baby leg strengthening exercise to develop your baby’s leg muscles:

Position the baby on their back and delicately grip their ankles. Gradually move their legs in a circular motion, imitating the action of pedaling a bicycle. Repeat this movement four to five times consecutively. Afterward, allow the baby a short pause of a few minutes before continuing.

Did you know? Bicycle legs is among the best ways to relieve your baby’s gas! Pediatricians say that when your baby is practicing bicycle legs, the movement helps release bubbles from his stomach and move them through the intestines. This way, your baby can pass these bubbles naturally and not face any gas pain.

When to do this? Check if your baby’s stomach feels hard and bloated. He may be gassy, and this exercise will soothe him.

If your baby resists and does not want to have you pedal his legs, don’t force him.

2. Do Some Dancing!

Age: 0 months onwards

Babies like to be moved around and held up on their toes. As per doctors, this toe and foot motion is excellent for their leg muscle development.

Simply hold your baby gently under his armpits and touch his toes on the ground. Since you are now supporting most of his weight, let him balance gently. Notice that your baby will often kick, which will make it look like he is dancing.

Note: Be sure to give your baby extra support as he finds it very difficult to stand up now. It is not recommended to practice this exercise for a prolonged duration as the little one will get tired.

3. Help Your Baby Pick Up/Lift Objects

Age:  4–6 months

Doctors suggest that picking up objects is a good way to build your baby’s grasping ability and hand–eye coordination, as well as muscular strength.

Make your baby sit in a high chair or bouncy seat. Now place some toys or household items in front of your baby. Encourage them to lift one, examine it, put it down, and then lift it (or another object) again. You may have to show them how to do this a few times, but most babies learn very quickly and enjoy this exercise a lot!

Exercises for Gas problems in Babies

If your baby is having painful gas, here are five tricks that should help her feel better:

Move Those Little Legs

If your baby is lying on his back, gently move the legs back and forth to imitate riding a bicycle. This exercise helps with intestinal motion and can expel trapped gas. You can also bend his legs and gently push the knees up towards the tummy. If he’s on his tummy, you can help ease him into Child’s Pose (just like in yoga) and that motion will have the same effect.

A Gentle Tummy Rub

Baby massage is a technique employed by nurses to provide comfort to infants experiencing gas bubbles. Place your baby on their back and gently massage their tummy using circular motions. This circular motion stimulates abdominal activity, aiding in the release of trapped gas bubbles.

Baby Burping

Of course, the best go-to for any fussy baby is to burp them. Sometimes one good burp will do the trick. It may not happen right away, so burp him, lie him down for a few minutes, then gently pick him up and try again. Keep giving tummy time a try.

Infant Massage

Infant massage is a way to gently nurture and spend time with your baby.

Massage is one age-old trick that never fails. The benefits of an oil massage are now well accepted by doctors, and it can definitely help make your baby’s muscles and bones stronger.

You can start massaging your baby’s body early—as early as a week or two old. There are a few movements/exercises that you should do as part of baby massage in order to build the baby’s strength:

Note: Make sure you do NOT use rigorous or high-pressure strokes. Only a gentle massage using skin-friendly baby oil is beneficial for your baby’s improved blood circulation, and in turn, bodily strength.

Benefits of Infant Massage

Research suggests that infant massage can have various health benefits. For example, infant massage might:

Some studies also suggest that infant massage involving moderate pressure might promote growth for premature babies.

How do I massage my baby

Infant massage involves a little preparation and some basic techniques. To get started:

Should you use oil?

Some parents prefer to use oil during infant massage to prevent friction between their hands and the baby’s skin.

If you choose to use oil, select one that’s odorless and edible—just in case your baby gets some in his or her mouth.

If your baby has sensitive skin or allergies, test the oil first by applying a small amount to a patch of your baby’s skin and watching for a reaction.

It might take a few tries before you and your baby get the hang of infant massage. Be patient. With a little practice, an infant massage can be a healthy way for you and your baby to relax and bond.


To conclude, these are the different ways to help baby learn to walk and promote his physical and mental development.

Now that you are aware of how to help your baby learn to walk and how to make your baby walk, you can also include some core-strengthening exercises, bicycle movements, and exercises to be performed when the baby has gas problems.

Along with these exercises, the baby should also be massaged every day.

Burping plays a crucial role in a baby’s feeding routine, particularly for newborns and infants. Since babies are unable to burp independently, it is essential for parents to acquire the knowledge and skills to effectively burp their newborns.

There are a few techniques you can employ for newborn burping. This article will tell you how to burp newborn, newborn burping techniques, and newborn burping positions. There are many different burping techniques for newborns. The best burping techniques for newborns involves the time after their meals. This ensures that the gas formed after eating is released in a safe manner.

Good burping techniques for newborns are also about knowing the right time to burp. Read on to know more.

Common forms of discomfort faced by infants

What causes gas in infants

Gas formation is a natural occurrence as newborn babies and infants undergo the development of their digestive system and gut microbiota.

Various factors may contribute to gas formation in infants and newborns which include:


Burping is the release of gas from the upper digestive tract (esophagus and stomach). Babies (mostly newborns and infants) tend to swallow air when they are feeding or when they are crying.

This forms air bubbles in their tummy, which may become gas that gets trapped and causes discomfort and pain. Burping helps to relieve this trapped gas and comfort the newborns and infants.

It also helps prevent spitting up and stops the hiccups of the baby. It helps to prevent the build-up of air in your baby’s body.

How to know when to burp your baby

Babies generally show distinct signs of trapped gas which can signal you to burp them.

These include:

How many times should you burp your baby

While there are no strict guidelines for burping a baby, it appears advantageous to do so as it helps alleviate discomfort and pain caused by trapped gases in the baby’s stomach.

Burping is usually done after the baby has finished his meal or during the meal. If your baby seems to be fussy during his feeding, stop feeding, burp the baby, and feed again.

Try burping your baby after every two to three ounces of milk, if he is bottle-fed, or each time you switch breasts while breastfeeding. This has been recommended by The American Academy of Pediatrics.

Further, try burping your baby every ounce during bottle-feeding or every five minutes during breastfeeding, if your baby:

What happens if you don’t burp your newborn or infant

If the baby does not seem too fussy during feeding and if he does not show signs of discomfort like those representing trapped gases, you may need not burp him.

However, if the baby shows signs of discomfort during feeding and is unable to release gases, it is better to burp him. Not being burped often and swallowing too much air can make a baby spit up or seem cranky or gassy.

What if your baby is unable to burp even after you try

If your baby doesn’t burp within a few minutes, you can try changing their position and continue attempting to burp for a few more minutes before resuming feeding. Massaging the baby’s belly and gently moving their legs can also be helpful in relieving trapped gas.

Techniques to help burp your newborn or infant

Knowing how to burp your baby is one of the best things new parents can learn.

When burping your newborn or infant, pat their backs gently and repeatedly to gain maximum benefit from burping.

Cup your hand while patting since it is gentler than a flat palm. Place a napkin or a bib under the infant’s chin or your shoulder to prevent cleaning the mess that may result from a wet burp.

Try different positions for burping that are comfortable for you and your baby. Some of the best burping techniques for newborns are easy to do and comfortable for you and your baby.

Here are some good burping techniques for newborns:

The best burping technique for newborns will generally differ for babies and parents.

Use the method that works best for you.

Things to Remember When Burping a Baby


Burping is a useful technique to alleviate trapped gas in babies and prevent the accumulation of gases. Many new parents choose to incorporate burping into their routine. However, limited research is available regarding the effectiveness of burping.

Breastfed babies generally burp less because they swallow less air. By the time your newborn is four to six months old, he will surpass the need to be burped. Parents, especially mothers, can often tell that a baby needs to be burped if he or he is squirmy or pulling away while being fed. As parents, it is up to you to monitor your newborn and decide based on the signs of discomfort or gases during and after feeding if he needs to be burped or you may skip burping.

Keep in mind the good burping techniques for newborns mentioned above. But remember that the best burping techniques for newborns are the ones that suit you and your baby. We hope that the article answered most of your queries about how to burp a newborn, along with different burping techniques for newborns.

Why are childhood immunizations so important? Childhood immunizations are important because a newborn is susceptible to many diseases and infections and it is our responsibility to protect them. Due to weak immunity and interference of mothers’ antibodies, very young newborns rarely respond well to immunization.

Immunization administration during pregnancy is safe, effective, and immunogenic for many diseases that are vaccine-preventable. Immunization of mothers protects both her and the baby against the sickness of the delivery trauma. For the first six months of life, an antibody is required.

Tetanus, influenza, and pertussis immunizations are provided during pregnancy to protect pregnant mothers and infants from disease.

A recent review conducted by the World Health Organization demonstrated no evidence of adverse outcomes in pregnant women or infants if they receive the Tetanus toxoid, conjugate meningococcus, inactivated influenza vaccine, or inactivated polio vaccines.

Research conducted in the United States, Finland, and Israel has provided evidence to support the safety and efficacy of polio vaccination during pregnancy. These studies have shown that administering polio vaccines to pregnant women does not result in an increased risk of disabilities or adverse outcomes.

During a 0–4-week period, newborns can get their first few vaccinations like the BCG vaccine, Hepatitis B birth dose, and OPV birth dose. These vaccinations should be done in the health care unit. For premature babies vaccination is a must.

BCG vaccine

BCG, or Bacille Calmette-Guerin, is a vaccine for tuberculosis . BCG is used in many countries with a high prevalence of TB to prevent childhood tuberculosis meningitis and miliary disease.

What Is tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially severe infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis spread from person to person through tiny droplets released into the air via coughs and sneezes. A newborn baby’s lungs are sensitive to this type of virus and there is a major risk of TB occurrence.

Why Newborns Should Get the BCG Vaccine

Dose Pattern for Vaccination

After birth, a newborn should get a vaccine from a healthcare provider from the same hospital or as early as possible till one year of age. The dose should be accurately 0.1ml (0.05ml until 1 month of age) given under the skin of the left upper arm.

Hepatitis B Birth Dose

Children should receive three doses of the hepatitis B vaccine to prevent hepatitis B. The initial dose should be administered within 24 hours of birth.

What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is a contagious liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus. When a person is first infected with the virus, he or she can develop an “acute” (short-term) infection. Acute hepatitis B refers to the first six months after someone is infected.

This infection can range from a very mild illness with few or no symptoms to a serious condition requiring hospitalization. Some people are able to fight the infection and clear the virus.

For others, the infection remains and is “chronic,” or lifelong. Chronic hepatitis B refers to the infection when it remains active instead of getting better after six months. Over time, the infection can cause serious health problems, and even liver cancer.

Symptoms of Hepatitis B

Usually, newborn babies do not show any symptoms.

Why Should a Newborn Baby Get the Hepatitis B Vaccine?

To protect your baby from hepatitis B, a very serious disease.

Prevents your child from developing liver disease and cancer from hepatitis B.

The importance of vaccinating children against hepatitis B is not only to protect themselves but also to prevent the spread of the disease to others. Children infected with hepatitis B may not display symptoms but can unknowingly transmit the virus to others.

What is the dosage of the Hepatitis B Vaccine?

The vaccine should be given at birth or as early as possible within 24 hours. It is given to a baby in 0.5ml of dose into the muscles of one side of the left mid-thigh.


Oral polio vaccine, including a birth dose (known as zero doses because it does not count towards the primary series), is recommended in all polio-endemic countries and in countries at high risk for importation and subsequent spread. The birth dose should be administered at birth, or as soon as possible after birth.

Why should the oral polio vaccine be given to newborns

What Is Poliovirus Disease?

Polio is a contagious viral illness that, in its most severe form, causes nerve injury, leading to paralysis, difficulty breathing, and sometimes death.

There are so many doses of oral vaccines. And they are all absolutely safe. It is indeed safe to administer multiple doses of polio vaccine to children. The vaccine is designed to be administered multiple times to ensure full protection.

In the tropics, several doses of polio vaccine are required for a child to be fully protected—sometimes more than 10. This vaccine is safe for all children. Each additional dose further strengthens a child’s immunity level against polio.

Dose Pattern of OPV

The OPV should be given at birth or as early as possible within the first 15 days. Only two drops of vaccine are given orally to the baby.

Hygienic care of the newborn baby

Maintaining good hygiene is essential for preventing infections and promoting a healthy and longer lifespan. Good hygiene practices involve adopting habits that reduce the risk of illness and promote overall well-being. Neglecting hygiene can have detrimental effects, particularly on children, who may suffer from various health issues as a result.

Newborn hygiene includes regular bathing, moisturization, cleaning of the diaper area, cleaning of the umbilical cord, and so on.


Bathing can be delayed from the first bath for 12–24 hours. Nowadays, bathing cleansers have surfactants that are harmful to the skin of a two-week-old child. Skin cleansers should be soap-free and should have a neural/mildly acidic pH (pH 5.5 to 7.0). So use harmless chemical-free cleansers and avoid overbathing your newborn.

If it’s possible, apply vernix caseosa on your infant’s skin. Vernix is a type of greasy covering to protect a newborn baby’s skin.

Bub bathing is better than sponge bathing. Sponge bathing may contain bacteria on a wet sponge.


Use an emollient or moisturizer to prevent atopic dermatitis in newborns. Skin emollients apply smoothly and in a thin layer. Avoid excess moisturizing because it affects the baby’s skin.

Umbilical Cord

Umbilical cord must be cut with sterile scissors. Do not use antiseptics to clean the umbilical stump. It should be regularly cleaned for four to five days after birth.

Diaper Area Cleanliness

Always keep the diaper area clean. Whenever a mother changes a diaper, it should be cleaned with wet wipes with buffer pH. Wipes should be free from alcohol. After that, apply some cream to prevent dermatitis.

Sun Protection

Avoid direct sun exposure to newborn infants. It’s harmful to babies. Use clothing that protects against sun exposure. White and light clothing is recommended to use a headcover so that no excess air goes into the ear of the baby.

Newborn Health Care


By now you must have learned more about why childhood immunizations are important. After birth, a newborn is very susceptible to infection by viruses and bacteria. That’s why the baby should get all the three necessary vaccinations—the BCG vaccine, the Hepatitis B vaccine, and the OPV vaccine.

As babies have sensitive skin, good hygiene is necessary to maintain a newborn, such as umbilical cord cleaning, regular bathing, moisturizing, diaper changing, cleanliness of diaper area, sub protection, eye protection, etc.

Newborn healthcare is an essential part of your paternal duties. It cannot be neglected. We hope this article on newborn care answers the question of why is childhood immunization important.

Fat plays a crucial role in providing essential nutrients and energy for a growing baby. During infancy and early childhood, when rapid growth and development occur, the body requires a significant number of calories relative to its size. Fat is an important source of calories, containing more than twice as many calories per gram compared to proteins and carbohydrates.

Parents have been looking for ways to feed their babies a healthier diet for years. From searching for a healthier alternative to cow milk for babies to finding the best hypoallergenic formula. However, did you know that there are healthy fats for infants?

Fat is one of the most frequently discussed nutrients in our diet. While there are many different perspectives on fats in an adult diet, there is no doubt that fats – including what kinds and how much – are critical for a child’s diet.

Fat is a necessary nutrient that plays numerous roles in the growth and development of infants. Fats can be found in a wide range of foods that are at opposite ends of the health spectrum.

Here’s what you need to know about healthy fat for infants, as well as where to find it.

Fat is important for babies

Fat plays a vital role in a young child’s diet and should constitute a significant portion of their caloric intake.

The body burns fat for fuel, but it also stores fat cells for later use. Fat is used by the body to insulate organs, produce hormones, and protect nervous system tissues. Fats are also important for growth and weight gain in babies.

Good fats are necessary for growth and serve as ‘nutrient enhancers’. They promote brain development, healthy bones organs, can even aid in immune system maintenance! account the majority of myelin (a fatty coating on nerve cells that helps babies think quickly) help fuel brain’s memory learning centers. It also aids absorption fat-soluble vitamins such A, D, E, K, which essential components a diet. Furthermore, because high calories, small servings will suffice. it contains DHA, acid, one omega-3 acids, increase immunity function, well keep your eyes, hair, skin, nails healthy. Fats be found foods avocados, soy products, olives, nuts seeds, plant oils. variety processed packaged snacks, baked goods, fast food items. is, however, critical to monitor baby’s consumption.

Infant Fat Requirements

Tips to ensure your infant is getting healthy fats

Provide your baby with high-quality fat sources

Do not restrict fat in your child’s diet until he or she is two years old. This means that unless otherwise directed by your healthcare provider if your child is transitioning from breastmilk or formula to cow’s milk, choose whole-fat varieties. And include plenty of mono- and polyunsaturated fats (adjusted for texture), such as fish, eggs, seeds, nuts, and avocado.

After the age of two, he should be following healthy eating habits like yours, which include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and other protein-rich foods, as well as high-quality fats in moderation.

Limit saturated fat

Avoid trans fats

Consume more of ‘good’ fats

Take note of the portion sizes

Because fats contain more calories than proteins and carbohydrates, they should be consumed in moderation by anyone over the age of two. While high-quality dietary fats have numerous health benefits, it is still critical to limit your total calorie intake.

Are you still wondering how to incorporate healthy fats into your baby’s diet? Well, here are some practical suggestions for increasing good fats:


So, the bottom line is, fats are essential nutrients for the body, and healthy fats for infants are especially important for babies.

The importance of lipids in your infant’s diet is important for you to understand. Fats not only provide energy to the body, but they also help support critical body functions.

Your infant is growing every day and using the fuel you provide to become bigger, stronger, and smarter, so incorporate good fats whenever possible! And when you need a quick fix, we’re here to help, making baby food blends that are as fresh as you can get without having to make them yourself!

However, as we have seen, not all fats are created equal, and some are unquestionably superior to others. Your little one will naturally receive the healthy fats they require by eating a varied diet of fresh, whole foods, lean proteins, oily fish, and non-hydrogenated oils.