What you eat matters, too.
In a discussion about your child’s nutritional needs, how can your nutrition be left behind?
Pregnancy is the best time for you to reassess your lifestyle, and choose the nutritional foundation for your baby. So, what is the best lifestyle? Doctors recommend a plant-based whole foods diet for better health, especially to pregnant women.
The first thing you need to do is stop drinking cow’s milk! Doctors say it can cause your little one colic pains.
Research also shows that mothers who ate lots of vegetables during their pregnancy imparted, through their breast milk, the greatest capacity for adult brainpower to their children.
Eat minimally processed, PLANT-BASED WHOLE FOODS for your health and that of your child! The first seven weeks of pregnancy are the most important time for fetal development, when most women do not realize they are pregnant. Switch to this lifestyle yourself, and sustain it through pregnancy, breastfeeding and beyond, to create a healthy environment for your child.