
Updated on October 17, 2023

Why Not Animal Products?


Updated on October 17, 2023

Why Not Animal Products?

The scientific truth is that children thrive on a plant-based diet and avoid diseases common to other children.

But if you are worried that your child is nutritionally missing out on animal products, read on:


Plants synthesize all essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. 100 grams of broccoli contain more protein than 100 grams of beef. Dark leafy greens, beans, seeds and grains contain adequate protein. A well-balanced, plant-based diet fulfils all protein requirements.


Calcium is not produced in the body of animals, and in that sense, meat, poultry and eggs essentially contain no calcium. Plants absorb calcium through the soil, and dark leafy greens, beans, bananas and seeds all contain adequate calcium.


The protein in cow’s milk prevents the body from absorbing iron. Breastfed babies show excellent iron absorption from food. Tomatoes, greens, cereals and seeds contain sufficient iron. The iron in animals (heme iron) is known to product free radicals in the body, which may lead to strokes.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a hormone, which is produced in the body in the presence of sunlight through activation by light (photochemistry). With adequate exposure to sunlight, adequate Vitamin D is produced in the body. Therefore, there is no need for Vitamin D to be ingested.

Vitamin B12

Bacteria in the soil produce B12. If the child eats organic plants which have not been factory-cleaned, the bacteria of the soil will still be on the plant and will produce enough B12 in the gastrointestinal tract. However, doctors recommend a supplement for those who buy produce from stores.

Omega 3 Fats

McDougall claims that only plants can synthesize Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Fish convert these into fats like EPA and DHA, but humans too convert these into other fat building blocks to be utilized by the body. Just like fish make these fatty acids on their own, humans do too. We do not need to eat fish for the same. However, eating fish brings with it methionine (a cancer-causing agent), high cholesterol and a host of industrial pollutants.


Starches such as cereals and potatoes provide sufficient energy for growth. Nuts, avocados, seeds and dried fruit can add additional calories for growth. Not only do these foods ensure proper development, they also keep your child’s tummy full.

Aside from not providing a healthy source of nutrition, animal products also bring with them high cholesterol, high oxidants, high saturated fat and zero dietary fiber! A PLANT-BASED WHOLE FOODS diet takes care of all nutritional needs of your child!


  1. Joel Fuhrman, M.D., author of the book, Disease-Proof Your Child
  2. John McDougall, M.D.

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